Guildford studios ex military bases and satellite station

This is our workshops and 200 acre gated site. The land doesn’t have any footpaths running across it and is totally secluded. It is a mix of open farm land and forest. The forest areas are very similar to those found in Europe.  In the forest we have dense areas and open areas which are great for chase scenes. Originally it was on old military site so there is old towers scattered across the site.  The gates mean the site can be set as a military compound The compound is 7 acres and is a satellite station.  This makes a great back drop as a communication hub   We have space for film crew lorries and caravans and ample parking. 

Click an area to view a short video.

Satellite Station Area
Satellite station command centre
Satellite station container park
Truck and Lorry Park
Compound areas

Modern Offices

Wartime Gate
Hard Forest Roadways
Remote road ways and areas
Haunted Horror Tree
Prison cells, young offenders cells and hospital wing.
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